About our team
Fisco Zone is made of a cohesive team of three associates whose complementary background and visions, allow us to adapt ou response to your specific needs as efficiently as possible. Our main strengths ? Expertise, flexibility, attentive listening and proximity with each of our clients. Depending on the tasks at hand, our team provides its services in your premises or from our offices. We work in English, Dutch and French .
Frank Dumortier
Frank Dumortier launched Fiscozone in 2006 (still known as Frank Dumortier SPRL at the time) . Between 1997 and 2001 he was a self employed accountant as complementary activity while working as CFO at ROTO-Frank in Nivelles.
Starting in 2001 , accounting became his main activity as a full-time self employed. Frank holds a degree in accounting and business management, which he complemented with a specialization in business taxation in evening classes . Frank is a native Dutch speaker but also speaks French and German fluently. He also has basic command of English.
Frank has many hobbies but his passion is undoubtedly about cycling. He is also a strong supporter of the RWDM football club.
Starting in 2001 , accounting became his main activity as a full-time self employed. Frank holds a degree in accounting and business management, which he complemented with a specialization in business taxation in evening classes . Frank is a native Dutch speaker but also speaks French and German fluently. He also has basic command of English.
Frank has many hobbies but his passion is undoubtedly about cycling. He is also a strong supporter of the RWDM football club.
Guy Verstuyft
Guy Verstuyft joined Fisco Zone in 2010 as Associate Principal. Before joining Fisco Zone , Guy held accounting functions to an increasing level of responsibility in the banking , construction and mutual societies sectors . In 2000, he joined Cardif, a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, and held various responsibilities in financial management: first as Accounting Manager from 2001 to 2005, then as Finance Director from 2006 to 2008, he was finally promoted to CFO in 2008. In 2009, he joined the leading Dutch mortgage services group Stater as CFO for Belgium. Guy is a graduate in business and financial management of the Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (ICHEC) . He obtained his IPCF issued chartered accountant's certificate in 2002. He speaks French, Dutch and English . Guy is 48 years old, and a married father.
Joffrey Lodiso
Joffrey Lodiso joined Fisco Zone in 2012 as a consultant . Seduced as much by the team as by the existing customer base, this highly motivated graduate decided to engaged in active association in 2013. Within the team, Joffrey is particularly active in the IT and financial areas. Fully endorsing the company’s philosophy, Joffrey pays particular attention to listening to its customers, anticipating their needs, and providing them with proactive advice. Before joining Fisco Zone, Joffrey was concluding his training in accounting and taxation.